What to consider before moving out of your home

You’ve finally found the house of your dreams, sorted out your mortgage, and exchanged contracts.  All that’s left to do is move in.

Or is it?

There are probably many more things that you might not have accounted for, so to avoid getting caught out, here’s our checklist to get you ready for moving day.

Confirm the date of your move with your solicitors

Depending on where you are in the chain, you could either be moving first thing on that date, or perhaps you’ll have to wait a while for all the other transactions to go through if you’re close to the bottom of the chain.  Be prepared for either eventuality.

Get quotes on your removal costs

When it comes to removals, it all depends on what’s practical for your budget and the size of your property.  Whichever service you decide on, make sure you keep your valuables, all documentation and personal effects with you.

Contact your utility suppliers

Let all your utility suppliers know that you’re planning to move out – electricity, gas, phone and broadband suppliers will all need to know when you’re leaving the property.  If you’re taking your phone number and broadband to the new home, then give your suppliers as much notice as possible just in case it takes time to move the service across.

moving house checklist

Find out in advance where everything is in your new home

It’s much better to find out how to switch the water off in advance, then waiting until there’s a burst pipe!  Some pointers:

  • Stopcock (valve for controlling the main water supply)
  • Instructions for appliances
  • Gas and electricity meters
  • Thermostat
  • Fuse box

Also, if you’re selling a property too, make a list of these things for the people who are moving in.  They’ll appreciate it.

Label Boxes when Packing

This will help you and your removal company when it comes to putting boxes in the right rooms at your new home.  Also, if you have the time you can even list what’s inside each box so you don’t waste time searching around for the kettle when you arrive!

moving house checklist

Take a final meter reading in your property

Do this on your last day and pass it on to the right suppliers. You could even take a picture of the meter, as the photo will have a timestamp, proving exactly what the meter reading was when the photo was taken.

Advise people of your new address

  • Your work
  • Your bank, insurance, pension and credit card companies
  • The council, electoral roll
  • TV Licensing
  • Doctor and dentist
  • DVLA
  • National Insurance / DSS offices
  • Post redirection services (this requires at least 5 days notice)
  • Friends and family

Also, don’t forget to delete your old address from all online retailers, such as Amazon.

Make sure you know where your essential items are for the big day

You’ll need the essentials for the first night in your new place, so it’s best to make a box or two with the following things to hand:

  • Kettle, mugs, tea, milk, coffee, sugar
  • Cleaning products, plus vacuum cleaner and bin bags
  • Phone and laptop chargers
  • Loo roll, kitchen roll
  • Duvet and bedding for the first night
  • Temporary furniture – deck chairs etc.
  • Television or radio

Moving home checklist

Move in to your new home

If at all possible, try to do a deep clean of the property before you start unpacking.

  • Unpack room by room, starting with the kitchen.
  • Check all the utilities are up and running
  • Make sure you have keys to every door, window and cupboard
  • Find out what day your bins are collected
  • Finally, take the rest of the night off.  Order yourself something yummy from a local takeaway and put your feet up – you’ve earned it.

Get in touch with our team of estate agents in Aylesbury for some great properties and helpful advice. And if you’re looking to buy a property in Aylesbury, we’ve got plenty for you to browse.
