Tips for preparing your house for sale

When selling your home, presentation really matters, so why make buyers imagine how good your home can be, when you can actually show them.

Here are our top tips to help you show your home at its very best.

how to prepare for a viewing

Drive By Appeal

Be prepared for buyers to do a drive by before they come for a viewing.  Keep the garden nice and tidy and make any small improvements that you can, such as weeding or mowing the lawn.  If paintwork is looking a little tired, give it a lick of paint, and depending on the season, you could invest in some hanging baskets or pots outside to make the house look inviting.  One small detail that helps immensely is to move your car/cars from the driveway.

How to prepare for a viewing


All the signs of day to day life make rooms look smaller.  This clutter also makes it difficult for a potential buyer to imagine themselves living in your home.  Tidy away any toiletries, sponges and medication from view in the bathroom, and clear kitchen surfaces. Try to keep personal effects to a minimum.  If possible, even try to keep wardrobes and cupboards as tidy as possible as buyers may want to look inside.

How to prepare for a viewing

Spic and Span

Once you’ve de-cluttered, give the rooms a good clean.  Wipe down surfaces, handles, appliances and keep that draining board clear of washing up.  Dust the shelves and hoover the carpets, and if you can, fix anything that’s broken.

How to prepare for a viewing

Staging the Scene

We all need a bit of good lighting, so try to lighten any darker corners in the house.  Also, be aware of any large decorative items, such as vases and frames on windowsills that may be blocking light, Keep the rooms at a comfortable temperature, adjusting it depending on the time of year.  Give the house a good airing before prospective buyers arrive.  A good way to make rooms look more spacious is to leave the doors open, and hang mirrors on the walls.

How to prepare for a viewi

The Nose Knows

Throw your windows open before a visit to give the house a good airing if you can.  Also, it’s a well worn cliché, but the smell of fresh coffee or baking bread really are two of the most pleasing smells in a home.  However, if that isn’t your thing, you could just invest in some lovely smelling pot pourri.  Do try to avoid air fresheners as they look a bit like you could be covering something up!

how to prepare for a viewing

Never Work With Children or Animals

While you adore your children and your pets, not every prospective buyer wants to envisage their house full of children’s toys or dog’s beds.  Tidy away kids toys, pet bowls and beds, and make sure all children and animals are out of the house during a viewing.

How to prepare for a viewing

Extra Touches

Make sure bed linen is clean and ironed and preferably in a neutral colour.  Plump up pillows and cushions. Put out clean, folded towels in the bathroom. Set the scene with some fresh flowers which will also give a pleasing scent.

Now step back and have a look at all your hard work.  Who wouldn’t want to buy such a beautiful home? And if you’re looking to buy a property in Aylesbury, we’ve got plenty for you to browse.
